what is the benefit of mfa

Multi Factor Authentication(MFA) provides an additional layer of security the users by requiring the user to provide an independent credential to authenticate their identity.

what is the purpose of elastic load balancing?

The purpose of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) in AWS is to distribute incoming application or network traffic across multiple targets.This ensures high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability of applications.

what is sns?

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a message channel. It delivers Application to Application notifications to integrate and decouple distributed applications. It also distribute application-to-person notifications to customers with SMS texts, push notifications, and email.

what is the difference between transit and NATA gateway?

Transit Gateways is a Network hub for connecting VPCs and on-premises networks whereas NAT gateway provides outbound internet access for private subnets.

what is cloudwatch

Cloud watch is a monitoring service. It can be used to collect and track metrics, which are variables you can measure for your resources and applications.